Public Involvement

The Norwich Clinical Trials Units (NCTU) actively involves patients and the public in the research that we support. Each trial is unique and there will be different approaches to involving people depending on the nature, stage and setting of the research, as well as the specific aims of the involvement.
What is public involvement?
Public involvement in research is defined as research that is done ‘with’ or ‘by’ members of the public and not ‘to’, ‘about’ or ‘for’ them. This includes working in partnership to identify research priorities, design, implement, manage, evaluate and share research.
What is public engagement?
Public engagement is where information and knowledge about research is provided and shared.
When using the terms patients and public we include: patients, potential patients, carers, service users (people who use health and social care services) and organisations that advocate for patients or service users.
How can I get involved?
The Citizens Academy

We work closely with the Citizens Academy at UEA. The academy seeks to work collaboratively with existing structures for patient and public engagement and involvement (PPIE) not just across the faculty, but also beyond, by collaborating and supporting the work of PPIE within trusts, voluntary organisations and charities that UEA regularly partners with.
NIHR People in Research
We will be advertising Patient and Public Involvement opportunities for research studies as they arise on the NIHR People in Research website.
Be a Research Participant
You can find out more about health and social care research taking place in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales on the NIHR Be Part of Research website.