Our Structure

Our unit is comprised of a Senior Management Group and 6 Functional groups which in total employ more than 40 members of staff.
For more information about each group click below.
The CTU Management Committee supports the CTU Interim Director, oversees the integrated functioning of the CTU and the conduct and delivery of Norwich CTU trials. Members include senior staff from Operations and QA, Data Management, Statistics, Health Economics and Process Evaluation.
Matt Hammond - Interim CTU Director
Prof Lee Shepstone - Professor of Medical Statistics and CTU Associate Director
Prof Garry Barton - Professor of Health Economics and CTU Associate Director
Prof Andrew Wilson - CTU Associate Clinical Director
David Turner - CTU lead for Health Economics
Martin Pond - Head of Data Management
Dr Erika Sims - Research Lead - Complex Interventions
Juliet High - Research Lead - CTIMPs and Device Trials
Dr Polly Ashford - Research Lead - Mental Health and Clinical Psychology Trials
Dr Lucy Clark - Research Lead - Behavioural Interventions
Dr Thando Katangwe-Chigamba - Process Evaluation Lead
Anna Wright - QA Coordinator
Jennie Woodhead - CTU Finance Administrator
The Operations Group is led by our Research Leads and includes Programme Managers, Trial Managers, Trial Coordinators, Research Associates and Clinical Trial Assistants.
The group is responsible for the day-to-day management of our trials. They work closely with researchers and clinicians to ensure that the trials are conducted smoothly and efficiently, and in accordance with all applicable regulations.
Each of our Research Lead holds a portfolio which are currently divided in to four specific specialities;
- Complex Interventions
- CTIMPs and Device Trials
- Mental Health and Clinical Psychology
- Behavioural Interventions
Dr Erika Sims - Research Lead - Complex Interventions - E.Sims@uea.ac.uk
Juliet High - Research Lead - CTIMPs and Device Trials - J.High@uea.ac.uk
Dr Polly Ashford - Research Lead - Mental Health and Clinical Psychology - P.Ashford@uea.ac.uk
Dr Lucy Clark - Research Lead - Behavioural Interventions - lucy.v.clark@uea.ac.uk
Veronica Bion - Trial Manager
Corinne Collett - Trial Manager
Oliver Ellacott - Clinical Trial Assistant
Matthew Felgate - Clinical Trial Assistant
Emma Flanaghan - Junior Trial Manager
Vicky Grieve - Trial Coordinator
Miranda Hayes - Clinical Trial Assistant
Zuzanna Halicka - Clinical Trial Assistant
Amber Hammond - Junior Trial Manager
Greg Howard - Trial Manager
Megan Jones - Trial Manager
Hannah Lewis - Clinical Trial Assistant
Colin McAlister - Trial Manager
Helen Morse - Trial Manager
Lauren Ooi - Clinical Trial Assistant
Hannah Lewis - Clinical Trial Assistant
Estelle Payerne - Trial Manager
Caitlin Pearce - Clinical Trial Assistant
Jennifer Pitcher - Research Associate
Charlotte Russell - Trial Manager
Lindsey Tashlin - Clinical Trial Assistant
Luke Wheatley - Clinical Trial Assistant
Izobel Clegg - CTU Research Associate
The Quality Assurance Group is led by Anna Wright and, supported by the CTU Quality Management Group, is responsible for ensuring that clinical trials are conducted in accordance with all applicable regulations and good clinical practice (GCP) guidelines.
Norwich CTU, in accordance UKCRC registration requirements, has a comprehensive quality management system (QMS) which includes over 140 working practice documents, work instructions and template documents. These provide guidance to CTU staff and collaborators to meet the relevant regulatory, legal and ethical obligations and assure the quality of our research.
The QA group maintains the CTU QMS to ensure that it remains compliant with all relevant regulations and sponsor SOPs.
Anna Wright - QA Coordinator
Jess Chaney - QA Administrator
Martin Pond leads the Data Management Group which comprises of data managers, database programmers and data assistants.
The team is responsible for the design and development of data collection tools and documentation ensure that the data is collected in a compliant and auditable manner
As a unit, we have substantial expertise in the use of eCRFs through REDCap (a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases), eConsent, ePROMs and eRecruitment.
Members of our Data Management group are actively involved with the Association of Clinical Data Managers (ACDM), the UKCRC Information Systems Operational Group (ISOG) and the REDCap Forum. Our Data Management staff are recognised nationally as leading proponents of REDCap community and with regard to electronic archiving.
Martin Pond - Head of Data Management
Dr Claire West - Senior Data Programmer
Antony Colles - Senior Data Programmer
Cecile Guillard - Data Programmer
Maria Leathersich - Data Programmer
Erica Berardi - Data Programmer
Edith Cassidy - Data Assistant
Professor Lee Shepstone leads the CTU Statistics group, supported by a Principal Statistician, Dr Allan Clark.
Our Statisticians are responsible for help in designing our clinical trials to ensure that they are statistically sound and efficient. This includes determining the sample size, randomisation scheme, and data collection methods. The group also analyse the data collected from our trials and interpret the results to determine what the results mean for patients and healthcare providers.
Prof Lee Shepstone - Professor of Medical Statistics and CTU Associate Director
Dr Allan Clark - Senior CTU Statistician
Sue Stirling - CTU Statistician
Kelly Grant - CTU Statistician
Ramesh Vishwakarma - CTU Statistician
Dr Thando Katangwe-Chigamba leads the CTU Process Evaluation and Qualitative Research group.
Process evaluation is an important approach used to understand how complex health interventions are perceived, understood and delivered within the context of randomised controlled trials. The approach may utilise both quantitative and qualitative methods, has the potential to provide important explanations for observed effects between different study arms, and for specifying the circumstances under which interventions may succeed or fail beyond trial findings.
Dr Thando Katangwe-Chigamba - Process Evaluation Lead
Margeret Guy - Research Associate
Adaku Anyiam-Osigwe - Research Associate
David Turner is CTU lead for Health Economics.
A Health Economics component in clinical trials is increasingly demanded by funding bodies who want to know if the intervention under evaluation constitutes value for money.
By assessing the costs and benefits of different interventions, health economics can help to identify those interventions that are most cost-effective. This information can be used by decision-makers such as NICE, to allocate resources to those interventions that are likely to have the greatest impact on public health.
The CTU maintains a close working relationship with academic health economists at UEA, with a senior health economics lead on the Norwich CTU Management Committee and Trial Adoption Group.
David Turner - CTU lead for Health Economics
Prof Garry Barton - Professor of Health Economics and CTU Associate Director
Adam Wagner - Associate Professor in Health Economics
Sarah Pyne - CTU Health Economist
Helen Risebro - CTU Health Economist